Terms and Conditions

The company Voices of Leaders, S.L., whose identification data are indicated in the Legal Notice available for users of the Voices of Leaders websites, has made the said websites publicly available. The present document is intended to govern the conditions and patterns regarding their access and use, as well as, if necessary, the content thereof or the content publicly communicated and/or put at users' disposal on the aforementioned websites.

The access and use of the Voices of Leader websites, as well as of the content made available to the general public imply user acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions; acknowledging that the present Terms and Conditions have been read, understood and known, and recognizing users are subject to the fulfilment of the user's obligations contained in the related provisions hereof. Therefore, the leaders of Voices of Leaders recommend users to read carefully this document before accessing or using Voices of Leaders websites and/or the content made publicly available therein.

Without prejudice to the provisions established in the present Terms and Conditions, the leaders of Voices of Leaders reserve the right to eventually establish Specific Terms and Conditions, by which users would be equally bound.

The access to certain content and the use of certain services, applications or products may be subject to certain specific terms which, depending on the circumstances, shall substitute, complement and/or modify the present Terms and Conditions. In the event of inconsistency, the terms of the Specific Terms and Conditions shall prevail over the Terms and Conditions.

Users are expressly informed that this present document - Terms and Conditions - must be jointly interpreted with the documents called (I) Legal Notice, (III) Privacy Policy and (III) Cookies Policy made available to users on the Voices of Leaders websites.

Finally, users are expressly informed that the present Terms and Conditions shall have an indefinite validity period, unless modified.

1.- User Definition

Individuals accessing and/or using Voices of Leaders websites shall be conferred user status, implying acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions, without any reservation whatsoever.

As a general rule, any Internet user may access the content classified as public on the Voices of Leaders websites. Consequently, any Internet user accessing such websites shall be considered as a user of Voices of Leaders.

The aforesaid notwithstanding, Voices of Leaders provides the general public with a series of services, tools, contents and utilities restricted to registered users, as described below.

2.- User accounts or profiles on Voices of Leaders

2.1.- User account on Voices of Leaders
Users willing to use the services, tools, contents and utilities restricted to registered users and made available to the public by Voices of Leaders must register on Voices of Leaders by creating a user account or profile.

Users registering on Voices of Leaders declare they expressly acknowledge, understand and accept the present Terms and Conditions, as well as the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy made available to users, declaring their intention to fulfil the obligations contained therein
Main recipients of the services rendered by Voices of Leaders
The services rendered by Voices of Leaders are mainly aimed at enterprises (companies) and self-employed professionals or entrepreneurs. Voices of Leaders is a business network intended to connect companies, professionals and managers, in order to facilitate the sharing of ideas and increase their potential for growth both locally and globally.

Therefore, the services rendered and the contents put at the disposal of the public by Voices of Leaders are aimed at enterprises (companies) and self-employed professionals or entrepreneurs.
Minimum age to create a user account on Voices of Leaders
In the light of the characteristics and the nature of the services rendered by Voices of Leaders, and of the content and services made public on the Voices of Leaders websites, as well as the profile of the users at whom such services are aimed (mainly companies and entrepreneurs), minors are not entitled to access and/or use the Voices of Leaders websites. Likewise, minors are not allowed to create accounts on the Voices of Leaders websites.

The aforesaid notwithstanding, regarding the possible access of minors to the Voices of Leaders websites, the leaders of Voices of Leaders expressly inform that the Voices of Leaders websites do not display, release or make public any inappropriate content or content restricted to users of legal age.

Without prejudice to the aforementioned, the leaders of Voices of Leaders expressly inform that it is the exclusive liability of parents, guardians or legal representatives to control and assist minors when browsing the Internet. Voices of Leaders shall not assume liability of any kind for any possible prejudice suffered by minors as a consequence to the access to content made public on the Voices of Leaders websites.

With regard to the possibility of a minor creating a user account, the leaders of Voices of Leaders bring to the attention of users that the minimum age to register as user of the Voices of Leaders websites and, therefore, to create a user account is eighteen (18).

The minimum age to create a user account on Voices of Leaders was established in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree-Act 33/1978, of 17 November 1978, stipulating that the age of majority is attained at 18 years.

Users proceeding to registration and creating a user account in Voices of Leaders shall be responsible for the veracity of their age statements. In other words, the leaders of Voices of Leaders assume no liability for the possibility that minors may create user accounts in Voices of Leaders lying about their age and/or any other data required to create a user account. Therefore, users shall be solely responsible for the authenticity of the personal data provided.

The aforesaid notwithstanding, the leaders of Voices of Leaders may contact those registered users who are suspected to be minor for any reason at any time to request a proof of their age.

Thus, the leaders of Voices of Leaders may request users to provide a copy of their national ID card, passport or similar document to verify the user's real age.

In the event that following the submission of a copy of the user's national ID card, passport or similar document, the user was proven to be under eighteen; or in case Voices of Leaders requested the user to provide his/her national ID card, passport or similar document and such information was not provided within the period indicated, the leaders of Voices of Leaders reserve the right to delete, block and/or cancel the user's account.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders expressly inform that the data contained in the user's national ID card, passport or similar document provided for age verification shall be used solely by Voices of Leaders authorized staff for identification and age verification purposes. Such data shall not be used for any other purposes, nor treated or stored. Once the user's real age has been checked, the data provided shall be destroyed by the leaders of Voices of Leaders.

Bearing in mind that users of Voices of Leaders have the overall responsibility for the verification of their age, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not assume any liability for the access of minors to the content made publicly available at Voices of Leaders.

In any case, the leaders of Voices of Leaders state that it is impossible to control the access of minors to the Voices of Leaders websites. It is the parents or guardians' responsibility to control and assist minors when browsing the Internet, and the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not assume any liability for any prejudices that minors may suffer as a result of their access to the content made publicly available at Voices of Leaders.
2.2.- Creating a user account in Voices of Leaders
Data provided by users to create a user account and privacy
All users registering or creating an account in Voices of Leaders expressly declare that they acknowledge, understand and accept these Terms and Conditions, the Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy, and the document called Specific Terms and Conditions, if applicable, as well as the Contracting Terms and Conditions of the service, available for users willing to contract the Premium service or any other services offered by Voices of Leaders and subject to prior procurement by users, stating their intention to fulfil all the obligations contained therein.

In the light of the user profiles at which the services rendered are mainly aimed - companies and self-employed professionals or entrepreneurs, and the kind of content made publicly available by Voices of Leaders, it is understood that no personal data shall be provided when creating a user account, but only professional data that may not be considered as personal data in accordance with the provisions of Article 2.2 of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, approving the Development Regulation of Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data.

The aforesaid notwithstanding, and in the event users provide any kind of personal data when registering or creating a user account in Voices of Leaders, it is expressly informed that such data shall be collected by the leaders of Voices of Leaders with the sole purpose of keeping contact with the parties, as well as identifying service users, providing them with access to services, functionalities and applications made publicly available by Voices of Leaders, and guaranteeing their proper functioning.

Likewise, in the event users authorize the use of personal or professional data for the purpose of receiving information and news (commercial electronic communication or newsletters) by Voices of Leaders, S.L., pursuant to the Privacy Policy available at the Voices of Leaders websites, email addresses shall be collected with the purpose of sending commercial electronic communications to the users who have given prior consent or authorization.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders guarantee that personal data provided by users shall be treated a stipulated in the regulations in force, and according to the provisions of the Privacy Policy available for users.

Likewise, in the event users provide other than personal data - for instance, professional data; such data shall be treated in accordance with the legislation in force, in full respect of data confidentiality.

At the same time, users agree and undertake to guarantee the veracity of the data provided and/or supplied upon the completion of the registration form or any other tool through which personal or non-personal data are provided.
Procedure to create a user account in Voices of Leaders
Users willing to access the restricted services, content and utilities available at Voices of Leaders, must register and create an account by following the indications of the Voices of Leaders registration links.

In particular, users willing to create a user account in Voices of Leaders must click on the Get Started! button on the Voices of Leaders websites.

The Get Started! button shall redirect users to a short initial form in which they must indicate their name and email address, and tick the checkbox called I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and the Voices of Leaders Cookie Policy.

Once the initial form has been filled out, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall send an email to the user's email address provided in the initial form requesting the user to confirm his/her will and intention to create a user account in Voices of Leaders. To this end, users must click on the confirmation link provided in the email sent.

Users filling out the referred initial form expressly accept the leaders of Voices of Leaders may send the abovementioned email. Under no circumstances such email shall be regarded as commercial electronic communication as it shall not include any advertising or any kind of information or news regarding Voices of Leaders. The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall only present user services and, more specifically, the steps to create a user account in Voices of Leaders - a procedure previously started by the user.

The link contained in the said email shall redirect the user to a window where he/she must confirm his/her will to create an account in Voices of Leaders. Therefore, the user must click the Log in button and shall be redirected to a second form where the user may complete and edit the information on his/her user account.

Once the second form has been completed, the user must tick the checkbox called I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and the Voices of Leaders Cookie Policy.

The completion of the abovementioned forms as well as the execution of the steps users must take to create a user account in Voices of Leaders in addition to the acceptation of the I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy checkbox, imply the user's acknowledgement of having read, understood and accepted the legal documents aforementioned, as well as his/her commitment to fulfil the obligations arising therefrom.

Users are expressly informed that the leaders of Voices of Leaders may be asked to provide a service consisting in the management and provision of contents of a Business Profile (BP) in the form of an offline contract and in favour of the prospective client or user.

Users willing to receive more information on such service -which requires prior signing of an offline contract between the client and the leaders of Voices of Leaders, may request such information by sending an email to contact@voicesofleaders.com

In the event users decide to hire the abovementioned service, it is expressly informed that once the client or user browses the Voices of Leaders website, he/she must read and accept the present Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy before accessing or browsing the present website as registered user.
The registration procedure at Voices of Leaders requires the provision of a password by the user, the purpose of which is to protect the user's account against any attempt of unauthorized access.

In order to guarantee the privacy and individuality of user accounts, the system shall prompt users for their password as a way to authenticate their identity before accessing the user account.

Users shall be responsible for the safekeeping and care of their access passwords. The leaders of Voices of Leaders assume no direct or indirect liability for the safekeeping of the user's identification or authentication passwords, or for the unlawful access to the account, or for the use any third party may make of the passwords with or without the user's consent.

In the event the password is forgotten or lost, users may reset and change their password, or receive a reminder of their password from the leaders of Voices of Leaders. Users must click on the Forgot your password button on the Voices of Leaders website. The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall send an email to the user including a link redirecting the user to a website where a new password may be established.
Information on the Premium user account service and other services available on Voices of Leaders requiring prior procurement by users
It is expressly informed that registering on Voices of Leaders and creating a user account is free - that is to say, it is not subject to payment of any amount; in case of Basic Accounts.

The aforesaid notwithstanding, Voices of Leaders offers users the Premium Account service possibility, subject to payment of a fee that must be paid by users and that is optional to all users of Voices of Leaders.

Premium Accounts offer users a greater number of functionalities in comparison to the services provided by free accounts (known as Basic Accounts by default).

Likewise, the leaders of Voices of Leaders offer their clients other services subject to prior procurement and the payment of fees by users, such as the Featured Plan and the Exclusive Plan, which grant different functionalities.

For further information on Premium Accounts or other services subject to prior procurement, or should users decide to contract any of the said services, please find the information required in the Contracting Terms and Conditions available on the Voices of Leaders websites.
2.3.- Cancelling a User Account in Voices of Leaders
Users having an account or profile in Voices of Leaders may unsubscribe and cancel their account by following the procedure detailed below:

Users willing to cancel their user account must log in their Voices of Leaders user accounts and access their dashboard and click on the My account tab. Then they must click on the Cancel account button.

After completing this action, users shall be shown a window informing about the consequences of cancelling the user account -account lockdown, inability to access once it is cancelled, etc. In the event users still desire to cancel their account, they must then click on the Cancel account button. If not, users may click on the cancel button and the account shall not be cancelled.

The moment a user unsubscribes and cancels his/her account or user profile in Voices of Leaders, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall delete the content made public by the said user pursuant to the provisions of section 6.3.- Industrial and Intellectual Property with regard to user's content - License granted to Voices of Leaders by the user, of the present Terms and Conditions.

For users, the cancellation of a user account shall imply the inability to access the account from the moment of cancellation, as well as to the restricted content, utilities, services and tools made available by Voices of Leaders.

In the event a user of Voices of Leaders cancelling his/her account decided to cancel the Premium account service or any other services offered by Voices of Leaders subject to prior procurement, it shall imply the cancellation of the services contracted given the inability to render such services by Voices of Leaders and bearing in mind the user is not a registered user anymore.

It is expressly informed that the information and the description of the whole procedure to cancel the Premium account service or any other services offered by Voices of Leaders and subject to prior procurement by users is available at section 8 Term and execution and procedure to terminate a contract. Conditions for the termination of the contract, in case of contracts of indefinite duration or exceeding one year of the document called Contracting Terms and Conditions.

Users are informed that in the event the leaders of Voices of Leaders become aware that a user is making an unlawful, inappropriate or illegal use of the content and services available on the Voices of Leaders websites, they reserve the right to deny access and/or use of Voices of Leaders to the said user, as well as the possibility to unilaterally cancel the user's account, if any, according to the legislation in force and/or the present Terms and Conditions.

The cancellation of a user account by the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall be communicated to the user by email indicating his/her user account has been cancelled and the reasons leading to such decision. Likewise, the user shall be informed that his/her user name and passwords shall not be valid to access the system in future attempts.
2.4.- Functionalities of user profiles on Voices of Leaders
User profiles on Voices of Leaders -Basic and Premium accounts, offer users the following functionalities:
* Possibility of publicly releasing user content on Voices of Leaders:
the Voices of Leaders user profiles allow users to publicly release user content through Voices of Leaders - in accordance with clause 3 of the present Terms and Conditions, regarding user's content - images and photographs, videos, texts and comments, among others.

Users may publicly communicate user content in the different sections made publicly available in each user profile - company overview, business opportunities, products and services, and business feeds. In the latter section, users may post relevant news about themselves (company or self-employed professional) and their activity, among others.

Likewise, user profiles on Voices of Leaders allow users to share at the Voices of Leaders platform (re-communicate) the content other users of Voices of Leaders have previously made public (content publicly communicated) at Voices of Leaders.

In this sense, it is informed that it is not possible to share (publicly re-communicate) other user's content within the Voices of Leaders platform. The user's content shall solely be shared on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+ or Instagram, according to the type of content and the characteristics of each social network.

Privacy regarding user content at Voices of Leaders is detailed in Clause 4 of the Privacy Policy available on the Voices of Leaders websites.
* Possibility of eliminating user content previously made public on Voices of Leaders:
User profiles on Voices of Leaders allow users to eliminate and/or delete the content previously made public and/or put at the disposal of Voices of Leaders' public.

Users may eliminate and/or delete their own user content (the user content publicly communicated by the user). Under no circumstances, users may eliminate and/or delete user content published by other users of Voices of Leaders.

All this without prejudice to section 6.3 of the present Terms and Conditions, Industrial and Intellectual Property with regard to user's content - License granted to Voices of Leaders by the user.
* Relationships and interactions among users of Voices of Leaders:
Users may establish relationships, interact, recommend and follow other users, as well as contact other users through the Voices of Leaders Platform as pursuant to clause 3.5.- User responsibility for the relationships established with other users of the present Terms and Conditions.
* Premium Accounts functionalities and other services subject to contracting:
Voices of Leaders offers users the possibility to contract the Premium Account service, as well as to contract other services such as the Featured Plan and the Exclusive Plan, among others.

The procurement of such services is subject to a prior contract procedure between Voices of Leaders S.L., whose identification and contact data are indicated in the Legal Notice and the Contracting Terms and Conditions available for users, and any user willing to contract any of the said services. The user shall take the required steps to enter the contract and must accept the conditions described therein.

The procurement of such services is subject to prior payment of an amount that must be paid by the user before completing the procedure.

The services publicly available on Voices of Leaders and subject to prior procurement by users grant users different or additional functionalities other than the ones contained in Basic Accounts.

For further information regarding services subject to prior procurement by users please see the document called Contracting Terms and Conditions available on the Voices of Leaders websites.
2.5.- Security of profiles and user accounts
Users undertake to guarantee the veracity and adequacy of the data - personal or non-personal - provided and/or communicated through their account or user profile. Users also guarantee the veracity and adequacy of the information provided, published and/or made public through their accounts or user profiles on Voices of Leaders.

Users also declare that they shall not create a user account or profile in Voices of Leaders using false data - personal or non-personal, data referring to third natural or legal personas, or invented data. Users undertake to exclusively provide truthful information and personal and non-personal data.

Likewise, users expressly undertake not to create user profiles or accounts in Voices of Leaders for third parties - natural or legal - unless prior written consent has been given by the said natural or legal person to this end.

Since the user is committed to create user accounts or profiles in Voices of Leaders by providing solely and exclusively truthful and real information, a single user account in Voices of Leaders may be created per person - natural (entrepreneur or self-employed professional) or legal (company).

In the event any natural or legal person detects and/or suspects a user account in Voices of Leaders is using his/her own data - personal and non-personal - or his/her own information, the said user may report this circumstance before the leaders of Voices of Leaders, by sending an email to the following address: contact@voicesofleaders.com.

In such cases, as a precautionary measure, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall block the reported user account as soon as possible following the procedure aforementioned and shall perform the necessary tasks to verify the veracity of the user account, informing the reporting user at all moments.

3.- User's obligations and liability

3.1.- User's obligations
Users undertake to use the Voices of Leaders websites according to the provisions contained in the legislation in force, good faith, public order and manners generally accepted.

Users undertake to make appropriate use of the Voices of Leaders websites and of their content, according to the possibilities and services offered and the goals for which they were designed.

Likewise, users undertake not to use the Voices of Leaders websites, their content and/or tools of dissemination put at disposal for illicit or illegal purposes, or purposes adversely damaging the rights and/or interests of the leaders of Voices of Leaders or any other natural or legal person.

Users also undertake not to cause detriment or damage to the software, tools and/or content that form the basis of the Voices of Leaders websites, and not to impede their normal functioning.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall assume no direct or indirect liability deriving from the fail to fulfil the aforementioned obligation by users.
3.2.- User's liability
Users shall be held entirely responsible for their use of the tools, services and utilities available on Voices of Leaders.

Users shall be solely responsible for the use they make of Voices of Leaders for illicit, illegal or unauthorized purposes according to the legislation in force - either with or without economic purposes.

In any case, users shall assume exclusive responsibility of any type that could arise as a consequence of the failure to fulfil the present Terms and Conditions and/or any laws or regulations in force in their use of Voices of Leaders.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not be directly or indirectly liable for any damage caused to the users of Voices of Leaders and/or any third party deriving from the user's intended or unintended misuse of the content, tools and utilities available at the Voices of Leaders websites and/or for the user's failure to comply with the present Terms and Conditions or the Specific Terms and Conditions.
3.3.- User's liability regarding users content
The leaders of Voices of Leaders bring to the attention of users that, as a mere intermediary, Voices of Leaders simply provides a technological platform to enable users participation. There, users may publicly publish and communicate images, pictures, videos, opinions and texts and any other kind of content that shall be regarded as user content.

Users shall be liable for the images, content and information they publish, publicly communicate, share and make available to the public through Voices of Leaders.

That is to say, the user content - images, pictures, comments, texts and any other content publicly published and made available to the public through Voices of Leaders - shall be the sole liability of users, as well as the user content published at Voices of Leaders - by users themselves or other users (known or unknown) - and publicly re-communicated through social networks.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall take all possible actions to monitor the lawfulness and legality of the user content publicly communicated and made public on Voices of Leaders.

However, and bearing in mind that it is impossible to keep absolute and constant control over the user content publicly communicated and made public on Voices of Leaders, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall assume no direct or indirect liability for the pictures, images, videos, texts, comments and any other type of user content publicly communicated, made public or published by users on Voices of Leaders. It is Voices of Leaders' task to provide a social communication space for users, not taking part and keeping a neutral position.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not be considered liable for the edition of user content publicly communicated and made public on Voices of Leaders. The leaders of Voices of Leaders do not perform any prior controls, or approve, authorize, or assume user content or any type of information or content publicly communicated by users and/or third parties through Voices of Leaders.

If deemed appropriate, and without prior notice to users, the leaders of Voices of Leaders may limit the publication of content to be deemed inappropriate. This does not imply that the leaders of Voices of Leaders are obliged to monitor de content published.

That is to say, users are solely and exclusively liable for the content they publish, publicly communicate and make available through Voices of Leaders.

User's obligations and liabilities regarding user content to be made public and publicly communicated on Voices of Leaders. User content not allowed on Voices of Leaders.

The users of Voices of Leaders undertake to use Voices of Leaders according to the laws and rules in force, good faith, public order and manners generally accepted, guaranteeing the legality, veracity, correction, morality and lawfulness of the user content publicly communicated and/or made public on Voices of Leaders.

The owners of the Voices of Leaders websites, who may not be considered liable for the edition of the content published at the Voices of Leaders platform, shall not act as moderators, and shall not perform any prior monitoring of the user content publicly communicated and made available through Voices of Leaders. It is the user's liability to guarantee the legality, lawfulness, veracity, accuracy, correction and authenticity of the information made public on Voices of Leaders.

Nonetheless, Voices of Leaders reserve the right to unilaterally eliminate any user content that may be illegal and/or unlawful, or contrary to the provisions of the present Terms and Conditions.

User's liability and commitment regarding user content

Users publishing, publicly communicating and making available - or sharing - user content on Voices of Leaders guarantee that such content meets all legality, lawfulness, veracity and correction requirements.

Moreover, users expressly guarantee that the communication of the content published as user content does not interfere with any third party's right - natural or legal. In the event any third party's right is infringed by the publication of user content, the infringing user shall be responsible for such infringement.

In particular, users admit to holding the license to use the intellectual property exploitation rights of all the images and/or pictures, videos, texts or any other type of content publicly communicated and made public through Voices of Leaders; or having prior and express written consent and/or license given by the holder of the intellectual property exploitation rights of the pictures, images and/or videos or any other type of content.

That is to say, uses guarantee that no right of intellectual property of a third party shall be violated by the publication of images and/or pictures, videos or texts or any other type of content on Voices of Leaders.

Moreover, users publicly communicating, making public and/or sharing pictures and/or images and videos on Voices of Leaders, where people's images are shown, must guarantee the publication is in line with all the provisions and constraints laid down in Organic Law 1/1982 of 5 May on Civil Protection of the Right to Honour, Personal and Familial Intimacy and self-image.

Thus, users undertake not to publicly communicate, make available and/or share on Voices of Leaders any pictures and/or images or videos showing people unless they have the prior written consent of all the individuals on the said pictures, images and/or videos before publishing or disseminating them on Voices of Leaders.

In the event the pictures, images and/or videos show minors, users must have the prior written consent of the minors' parents, guardians or legal representatives before publishing the pictures and/or videos containing their images as pursuant to provision of Organic Law 1/1996 of 15 January on the Legal Protection of Children.

Users therefore ensure they shall not publicly communicate and/or make available on Voices of Leaders any images, pictures or videos containing the image of minors unless prior written consent has been given by their parents, guardians or legal representatives.

In case users publicly communicate and/or make available pictures, images or videos showing the image of minors with the prior consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, users guarantee the publication fulfils all legal provisions and constraints laid down in Organic Law 1/1982 of 5 May on Civil Protection of the Right to Honour, Personal and Familial Intimacy and self-image, regarding Organic Law 1/1996 of 15 January on the Legal Protection of Children.

Prohibited or unallowed content at Voices of Leaders

The leaders of Voices of Leaders bring to the attention of users that there are certain typologies of user content that are prohibited or not allowed on Voices of Leaders.

Therefore, users undertake not to publicly communicate, make available and/or share on Voices of Leaders any user content that may fall into such typologies, including but not limited to, any of the following categories:
  • Illegal or unlawful user content.
  • User content infringing the Industrial and/or Intellectual Property Rights of any natural or legal third party.
  • User content infringing the Right to Honour, Personal and Familial Intimacy and self-image of third parties.
  • User content including images or pictures of a natural person without his/her prior consent; in case of minors, without the consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives.
  • User content infringing the rules governing the Protection of Personal Data (Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data and its Regulation).
  • User content that may be harmful for the image of other users of Voices of Leaders or any other third parties, as well as user content that may slander, calumniate, defame, intimidate and/or threaten other users of Voices of Leaders or any other natural or legal third parties.
  • User content including threatening or unpleasant evaluations and/or comments against the due respect to the rights of third parties.
  • User content that may be classified as racist, xenophobic, glorification of terrorism, extremely violent or detrimental to human rights of individuals or groups, as well as user content that may be classified as pornographic, sexual or obscene.
  • User content that may breach public order and public security.
  • Fraudulent or misleading user content.
  • User content contrary to morality, public order and manners generally accepted.
  • User content against laws and rules in force.
The content classified in any of the aforementioned categories or content of a similar nature shall be considered prohibited or unallowed user content on Voices of Leaders.

In the event user unallowed or prohibited content described in any of the previous categories, or considered to be of a similar nature, or against morality, public order or manners generally accepted, or against laws and rules in force, is publicly communicated, made available and/or shared on Voices of Leaders, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall remove such content without prior notice.

Bearing in mind that user content shall be the sole and exclusive liability of users publishing and publicly communicating it on Voices of Leaders, they shall be equally and solely responsible for any liabilities that may arise from the publication of illegal or unlawful user content, or content against morality, public order and manners generally accepted.

If deemed appropriate, the leaders of Voices of Leaders reserve the right to inform competent authorities or to bring unilateral civil and/or criminal legal actions according to law to demand any type of liability from any user publishing illegal and/or unlawful content as laid down in preceding paragraphs.

As pursuant to Act 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not be held liable for the opinions expressed or the information shared by users on the Voices of Leaders websites.
3.4.- User's liability regarding their use of the Voices of Leaders websites
Users shall be liable for the use they make of the Voices of Leaders websites as pursuant to section 3.2.- User's liability, of the present Terms and Conditions.

Thus, users shall be solely responsible for any illegal or unlawful use of Voices of Leaders they may make, or any other use against the legislation in force.

Users undertake not to use the tools, services and utilities available at the Voices of Leaders websites for the following purposes (including but not limited to):
  • Developing unlawful or illegal activities, or any other activities against rules in force.
  • Publicly communicating, making available and/or sharing content classified as unallowed or prohibited, or content of a similar nature.
  • Using the Voices of Leaders websites or any of their services, tools or utilities in a way that may damage or overload the service rendered by Voices of Leaders or the software on which it is based.
  • Damaging the physical and logical systems of the Voices of Leaders websites.
  • Introducing and/or spreading computer viruses, IT files that may damage or alter the content and/or software, or any other tools that may cause similar damage through the tools available on Voices of Leaders.
  • Using tools and utilities available on Voices of Leaders to send emails or any other type of messages containing advertising information, or aiming at data capturing for commercial or advertising purposes.
  • Using tools and utilities available on Voices of Leaders to send massive and/or repetitive emails or other electronic communications to a group of people, as well as to send, distribute or introduce unwanted or unauthorized advertising, unsolicited advertising or promotional material, spam, chain letters or similar communications.
  • Trying to access or using email accounts and/or user profiles belonging to other users of Voices of Leaders, and/or modifying or manipulating the messages and/or profiles of other users of Voices of Leaders.
  • Trying to collect email addresses or any other kind of information or data from the users of Voices of Leaders through the tools and utilities available on Voices of Leaders.
  • Using the tools and utilities available on Voices of Leaders to request or collect personal data, passwords and/or similar information from other users.
  • Using the services, tools and utilities available at Voices of Leaders to organize and/or promote games of luck and chance, as well as contests, sweepstakes or any other kind of promotional competition implying the payment of monetary amounts or any other valuable object or good for users.
  • Creating or registering and using a user profile on Voices of Leaders with a false identity providing false personal and non-personal data or information, as well as making false statements about the user, other users and the relationship between them.
  • Creating or registering and using a user profile on Voices of Leaders on behalf of a natural or legal third party, as well as any other way of using other users' identities and/or identity theft.
The leaders of Voices of Leaders inform users that, in the event they become aware that a user is making use of any of the tools, services and utilities available on Voices of Leaders and is incurring in any of the conducts abovementioned or in any other similar ones, or such a use is inappropriate, illegal or contrary to the rules in force and/or the present Terms and Conditions, they reserve the right to deny access and/or use of Voices of Leaders to such user, as well as to unilaterally cancel his/her user account, if any.

The cancellation of a user account by the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall be communicated to the user by the leaders of Voices of Leaders by email, in which the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall communicate the user his/her account has been cancelled in light of the unlawful use of the Voices of Leaders platform the user has made, including a description of the conduct leading to such decision.

By creating a user account on Voices of Leaders, users expressly declare to have read, known, understood and accepted the possibility that their user account may be unilaterally cancelled by the leaders of Voices of Leaders as pursuant to the precedent paragraphs. Users also know, understand and accept Voices of Leaders may send an email communicating such cancellation. Such email shall not be seen as a newsletter, as shall not contain any advertising or promotional information; it shall be considered as part of the customer service provided by Voices of Leaders.

Likewise, the leaders of Voices of Leaders reserve the right to inform competent authorities or bring unilateral civil and/or criminal legal actions according to law to demand any type of liability from any user engaging in any of the conducts abovementioned.
3.5.- User liability in the interaction with other users
Users of Voices of Leaders may interact with other users of Voices of Leaders and, in particular, they may follow, recommend and contact other users of Voices of Leaders.

When a user becomes follower of another user, he/she shall be notified about relevant news published, publicly communicated and/or made available by the user he/she is following.

When a user recommends another user, the rest of users of Voices of Leaders may see such recommendation.

Finally, users of Voices of Leaders may contact each other through private messages they may exchange at the Voices of Leaders technological platform.

Users of Voices of Leaders shall be solely and exclusively liable for the interaction they establish with other users of Voices of Leaders. Under no circumstances, Voices of Leaders shall be responsible for the conflicts that may arise among users.

4.- Voices of Leaders liability

The leaders of Voices of Leaders assume no liability for the possible damages of any nature that may affect the users of Voices of Leaders and/or any third party deriving from the following (including but not limited to):

  • Lack of availability, maintenance or proper functioning of the Voices of Leaders websites when the services are not properly monitored by the leaders of Voices of Leaders.
  • Possible access problems, availability and continuity of the service rendered by Voices of Leaders, when such defects derive from factors outside the control and activity of Voices of Leaders.
  • Any damages deriving from possible service interruption, end and/or failing of the service if due to reasons not attributable to Voices of Leaders.
  • Possible access problems, availability and continuity of the service rendered by Voices of Leaders, when such defects derive from factors outside the control and activity of Voices of Leaders.
  • The fact that a third party, after breaching the security measures established, uses the Voices of Leaders websites, their content or services to send computer viruses or any cause other damages electronically, or make an unauthorized treatment of the data stored.
  • Any use a user and/or third party may make of the Voices of Leaders websites, their services or the content available on the said websites against the present Terms and Conditions, good faith, moral, public order, good manners, or the provisions laid down in laws and rules in force.

5.- Third-party liability, advertising and/or links

5.1.- Links and information provided by third parties
The Voices of Leaders websites may temporarily, provisionally or permanently host links and/or hyperlinks redirecting users to other websites.

Should they exist, these links and/or hyperlinks shall have the sole purpose of allowing access to content and/or services that may be interesting for users. The destination websites shall not be managed or controlled by the leaders of Voices of Leaders.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not control, approve, authorize, supervise or make their own the content, services or any other type of information that may be linked or accessed through the Voices of Leaders websites. The relation between the people or entities owing the websites visited and the user shall be the user's exclusive liability.

Therefore, Voices of Leaders assume no direct or indirect liability arising from the connections that may be established, or the content users may access from the referred links or hyperlinks, and shall not guarantee the technical availability, lawfulness, veracity, utility, quality, feasibility, accuracy, correction and morality of the content, information and/or services accessed through the said links, unless such content and/or services are not directly managed or controlled by Voices of Leaders.

Under no circumstances, the inclusion of external links or hyperlinks shall imply the association, relation or participation of Voices of Leaders with the entities or third parties connected.

Users shall solely be responsible for all contractual and extra-contractual relations they may start with the entities linked to the Voices of Leaders websites. Such relations shall always be held externally, without any involvement of Voices of Leaders.

Legal relationships shall only be held between the user and the third party, advertiser or sponsor, whether the latter be a natural or legal person. The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not take part in such legal relationships.

Users assume full liability for the damages that could arise as a consequence of the use they make of the websites linked to the Voices of Leaders websites.
5.2.- Advertising
Users accept that the service, tools and utilities made available by Voices of Leaders may contain advertising, which is accessible from their user profile on Voices of Leaders. Such advertising may refer to Voices of Leaders, or any other third parties - natural or legal.

The Voices of Leaders websites may temporarily, provisionally or permanently host banners, logos, advertisements or other advertising means. Certain content and/or services made available to the public through Voices of Leaders may be sponsored.

In case of advertising or sponsorship, it is the advertisers and sponsors' liability to guarantee that their advertising material meets all applicable legal requirements.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders assume no direct or indirect liability for any errors, inaccuracies, incorrectness, unlawfulness and/or irregularities linked to the advertising or sponsorship content made public on Voices of Leaders.

User shall be solely responsible for all the contractual and extra-contractual relations they may start with advertisers and/or sponsors, as well as any relation arising from the participation in contests, promotions or purchase of goods and/or services. Such relations shall always be held externally, without any involvement of Voices of Leaders.

Legal relationships shall only be held between the user and the third party, advertiser or sponsor, whether the latter be a natural or legal person. The leaders of Voices of Leaders shall not take part in such legal relationships.

Voices of Leaders is merely acting as an intermediary between the users of Voices of Leaders and the entities linked through the Voices of Leaders websites. Therefore, in the event any user wishes to lodge any claim against the services rendered, the products purchased and/or the promotions in which he/she has participated managed by entities linked through Voices of Leaders and/or entities that include advertising on Voices of Leaders, such claims must be directly forwarded to the leaders of the linked entities.

6.- Industrial and Intellectual Property

6.1.- Industrial and Intellectual Property regarding the Voices of Leaders websites
The leaders of Voices of Leaders own the Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights of the Voices of Leaders websites, as well as of the graphic designs and information and codes contained therein regarding the service, functionalities and/or utilities rendered by Voices of Leaders, unless different ownership is expressly stated.

Likewise, the leaders of Voices of Leaders own the rights over the software, brands, trade names, domain names and any other content that may be subject to the industrial and/or commercial application of the services, functionalities and/or utilities rendered by Voices of Leaders, unless different ownership is expressly stated.

All intellectual works - texts, videos or images or any other kind, as well as all the brands and other distinctive features, graphics, texts, logos, icons, or any other sign and/or utility to be protected or subject to protection under the governing rules on Industrial or Intellectual Property made available on the Voices of Leaders websites and owned by any third party - natural or legal - other than the leaders of Voices of Leaders have been included following prior consent of their legitimate owners.

Under no circumstances, the fact that the Voices of Leaders websites make available signs and/or utilities subject to protection by the governing rules on Industrial or Intellectual Property shall be understood as a license concession for their total or partial exploitation without the prior written consent of their owners, whether they are the leaders of Voices of Leaders or any other natural or legal third party.

Users undertake to enforce Industrial and Intellectual Rights protecting works, content, brands and other distinctive signs and/or domain names that may be accessed from Voices of Leaders.

The reproduction, distribution, public communication or other forms of distribution, transformation or, in general terms, exploitation of the content and works accessible to users from the Voices of Leaders websites - partially or totally - shall be prohibited, unless their lawful owners give prior written consent and/or it is authorized by law.
6.2.- Licence granted to users to use the services made available on the Voices of Leaders websites
As holder and proprietor of the service rendered by the Voices of Leaders websites, the company Voices of Leaders, S.L. grants users of the Voices of Leaders a limited, revocable, universal, non-transferable or non-sub-licensable and non-exclusive licence to the rights of reproduction and public communication, to make a strictly personal and individual use of the services, utilities and tools offered by Voices of Leaders by the user.

Therefore, through the access to services restricted to registered users available on Voices of Leaders, users become licensee of the services and the technological platform offered by Voices of Leaders according to the licence described in the preceding paragraph. This solely and exclusively grants users the right to use the technological platform made available by Voices of Leaders as pursuant to the license conditions and for the uses and functionalities for which it was designed; that is to say, in accordance with the provisions of the present Terms and Conditions, the Legal Notice, and the Privacy Policy.

Under no circumstances, the aforementioned licence granted to the user by Voices of Leaders shall confer any right of property and/or ownership over the technological platform made available to the public by Voices of Leaders.

With the exception of the uses allowed as pursuant to the licence regulated in this section, the reproduction, distribution, public communication or other forms of distribution, transformation or, in general terms, exploitation of the content available at the Voices of Leaders websites or accessible to users through the Voices of Leaders websites - partially or totally - shall be prohibited, unless their lawful owners give prior written consent and/or it is authorized by law.

It is expressly established that the use license granted to the user is strictly limited to personal and/or individual use. Under no circumstances the user shall be allowed to perform any activities that imply commercial exploitation, or any other kind, of Voices of Leaders' technological platform. Voices of Leaders expressly reserve all rights not expressly granted to users.
6.3.- Industrial and Intellectual Property regarding user content: Licence granted by users to Voices of Leaders
User content shall be defined as the content - pictures, images, videos, comments, texts, drawings, logos or any other type of content - publicly communicated and/or made available by the user of Voices of Leaders.

By publicly communicating and/or making user content available through Voices of Leaders, users grant the leaders of Voices of Leaders (that is to say, the company Voices of Leaders, S.L.) a non-exclusive licence limited to the rights of reproduction, public communication and transformation, universally granted (with no geographical limitation), free of charge (without any right to remuneration for the user), granted for the maximum duration provided for by Spanish legislation on Intellectual Property, that is to say, until content becomes public domain.

The aforementioned licence is granted to Voices of Leaders by the user with the sole purpose of allowing Voices of Leaders to develop its services, utilities and functionalities according to the terms described in the present Terms and Conditions.

The said licence shall be suspended and therefore shall cease to be in force following the cancellation of the Voices of Leaders account by users of the Voices of Leaders. From that moment, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall interrupt the public communication of the content published by the users cancelling their account, as soon as possible.

However, the leaders of Voices of Leaders inform users that in case the user content of a specific user has been shared - publicly re-communicated by other users - in sites outside Voices of Leaders - as pursuant to clause 6.5.- Possibility of sharing user content on social networks - by the user and/or other users of Voices of Leaders, it may be impossible for the leaders of Voices of Leaders to interrupt public communication, access, reproduction or even transformation of such content since it has been shared (publicly communicated) in an external platform and the content has consequently become user content on that external platform, beyond the management and control of the leaders of Voices of Leaders.

Users expressly acknowledge that they understand, know and accept the previous paragraph and they are aware that, on certain occasions, it shall be impossible to bring to a complete stop the communication and dissemination of the user content publicly communicated and/or made available to the public through Voices of Leaders. Users express their agreement and acceptance with this.
6.4.- Industrial and Intellectual Property regarding user content: User commitment to respecting third-party rights
Users of Voices of Leaders undertake not to violate the Industrial and Intellectual Rights of third parties - natural or legal - when publicly communicating, making available or sharing user content.

Therefore, and regarding the user content to be publicly communicated an/or made publicly available, the leaders of Voices of Leaders hereby guarantee the following terms:
  • Users must own the right to exploit Intellectual Property Rights of the user content publicly communicated and/or made available to the public on Voices of Leaders, or they must guarantee they have express authorization of the owners of the content's Intellectual Property rights to publicly communicate and/or make available such content on Voices of Leaders.
  • Users ensure they have the authorization of the persons shown in the images publicly communicated and/or made available on Voices of Leaders to exploit their image rights. In case of minors, such authorization must be provided by their parents, guardians or legal representatives.
  • Users guarantee that by publicly communicating and/or making available user content on Voices of Leaders they do not violate any third party's right - natural or legal - and particularly, users undertake (including but not limited to) not to violate third-party Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights, fundamental Rights to Honour, Personal and Family Privacy and Self-Image and/or rights over data.
6.5.- Possibility of sharing user content on social networks
Users may share (publicly re-communicate) user content publicly communicated and/or made available by other users of Voices of Leaders on social networks, as well as certain user content on Voices of Leaders made available by the leaders of the Voices of Leaders platform.

In this regard, it is informed that any content - whether user content or content published by the leaders of Voiced of Leaders - may be shared in more than one social network - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ or Instagram - depending on the type of content and the characteristics of each social network.

In order to share content on social networks - user content, other users' content, content published by the leaders of Voices of Leaders - users must click on each icon of the social networks available at the Voices of Leaders platform.

The content shall be shared on the user profile the user of Voices of Leaders has in the social network selected.

Users sharing and/or publicly communicating the user content made available to the public on Voices of Leaders on their user profile in any of the abovementioned social networks voluntarily and unilaterally communicate this content under their sole liability, expressly stating they shall not infringe the rules governing the publication of content by users or any other similar rules established by any of the abovementioned social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+ Intagram).

7.- Notification of inappropriate user content on Voices of Leaders

The leaders of Voices of Leaders guarantee the security, legality, lawfulness and adequacy to the present Terms and Conditions of the content publicly communicated and/or made available on Voices of Leaders.

Therefore, Voices of Leaders has established a procedure through which the users of Voices of Leaders may report any content they deem to be inappropriate, illegal, listed as unallowed or prohibited on Voices of Leaders, or somehow contrary to the present Terms and Conditions and/or law, rules in force, morality, public order or manners generally accepted.

The possibility to report inappropriate content by users include any type of user content - pictures, images, videos, texts or any other type of user content.

In order to facilitate reporting of inappropriate content by users, the leaders of Voices of Leaders have established the following mechanism - any user identifying any content published, publicly communicated and/or made available on Voices of Leaders he/she may deem to be inappropriate, illegal or unlawful, or against the rights of the user who considers himself/herself aggrieved, may report to the leaders of Voices of Leaders by sending an email at contact@voicesofleaders.com or at virginia@voicesofleaders.com.

Every time a report against specific user content is filed, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall block the abovementioned content as a precautionary measure in the shortest time possible.

Concurrently, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall take the necessary actions in each case, including, the elimination of the content reported if required.

8. Procedure established to report against right infringements

The leaders of Voices of Leaders are committed to the respect of third-party rights and the protection of the rights of their legitimate owners. Therefore, in the event a natural or legal person - whether user or not of Voices of Leaders - believes the content publicly communicated, made available to public and/or shared through Voices of Leaders represents a violation of his/her rights - whether Industrial and Intellectual Property Rights, fundamental Rights to Honour, Personal and Family Privacy and Self-Image and/or rights over data, or any other rights, he/she may start the following procedure established by Voices of Leaders to report such infringement:

Users willing to inform Voices of Leaders about the violation and/or infringement of rights, according to the provisions of the previous paragraph, must send an email to contact@voicesofleaders.com indicating right infringement in the subject.

The abovementioned Voices of Leaders' notification shall include at least the following information:
  • Sufficient identification of the content deemed to have violated rights enabling the leaders of Voices of Leaders to proceed to find the content within the platform.
  • Enough identification data to ensure the leaders of Voices of Leaders may contact the person reporting.
  • A signed statement by the claimant ensuring the information provided is reliable, and expressly granting he/she is the owner of the content, whose rights have been violated. If such is not the case, authorization by the owner of the content must be provided.
The leaders of Voices of Leaders bring to the attention of users using the reporting procedure to inform about right violation that, in the event the claimant's personal data is provided, they shall be solely treated for the purpose described in the procedure, for the sole and exclusive purpose of addressing the claim presented in accordance with the Privacy Policy available for users on the Voices of Leaders websites. Such personal data shall not be stored by the leaders of Voices of Leaders.

As a precautionary measure, once the report on the violation of rights by a user is received, the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall block the content deemed to have violated rights in the shortest time possible. Such content shall not be visible on Voices of Leaders.

Then the leaders of Voices of Leaders shall directly and personally contact the user reporting about the violation of rights in order to perform the necessary processes regarding the infringing content.

9.- Information about linking to different social networks

The Voices of Leaders websites contain a series of links to different social networks that redirect users to the different user profiles kept by Voices of Leaders in the following social networks:
  • Social network Facebook, URL of the Voices of Leaders Facebook user profile https://www.facebook.com/VoicesOfLeaders
  • Social network Twitter, URL of the Voices of Leaders Twitter user profile https://twitter.com/Voicesofleaders
  • Social network YouTube, URL of the Voices of Leaders YouTube user profile https://www.youtube.com/user/Voicesofleaders
  • Social network Pinterest, URL of the Voices of Leaders Pinterest user profile http://www.pinterest.com/voicesofleaders/
  • Social network LinkedIn, URL of the Voices of Leaders LinkedIn user profile http://es.linkedin.com/pub/voices-of-leaders/46/aa7/71a
  • Social network Google+, URL of the Voices of Leaders Google+ user profile https://plus.google.com/+Voicesofleaders/posts
  • Social network Instagram, URL of the Voices of Leaders Instagram user profile https://instagram.com/voicesofleaders/

10.- Conditions of International Use of Voices of Leaders

The leaders of Voices of Leaders inform users that the services, tools and/or utilities available on the Voices of Leaders websites are managed by the company Voices of Leaders, S.L. - a company based in Spain and therefore considered as provider of information society services settled in Spain.

Therefore, the present Terms and Conditions have been drafted according to Spanish legislation and regulations.

The services rendered by Voices of Leaders may be accessible from different countries other than Spain. The tools and utilities made available to the public by Voices of Leaders were designed to be used in any country and/or jurisdiction, in which their use is not against the applicable local laws and/or rules.

The user shall be liable for the use of services, tools and utilities made available by Voice of Leaders in each specific country. Users shall be solely liable for complying with the laws of the countries from which they access the said services, tools and utilities made available by Voices of Leaders.

Moreover, the leaders of Voices of Leaders inform users that it may be possible that certain functionalities and/or services made available by Voices of Leaders are not available and/or do not operate properly in all countries due to technical and/or legal limitations.

To comply with the law Law 34/2002, of July 11th, regarding services of the information society and electronic commerce, Voices of Leaders provides the following information:

Data controller: VOICES OF LEADERS, S.L,
Registry: Tomo 28808, Libro:0, Folio:146, Seccion:8, Hoja:M518685
Registration or annotation: 2 / Fecha:19/07/2013. Año Pre: 2013.
Registered Office: C/ Menéndez Pidal, nº 9, Portal C, Bajo A, 28660.- Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) or at privacy@voicesofleaders.com. NIF or Registered Number: B86191640

More information can be found in our Privacy Policy. To relay any concern regarding the respect of your privacy, you may use this email address: contact email: privacy@voicesofleaders.com. If you have further questions, please contact us by telephone or email send correspondence to us at the following address: C/Severo Ochooa 3, Planta Baja 6A, Las Rozas 28230, Madrid, Spain.

11.- Language

The legal documents made available by Voices of Leaders - Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions - were written in Spanish (Spain) and therefore the original version of such documents is the one written in Spanish (Spain).

Occasionally, Voices of Leaders may offer its users a version of the aforementioned legal documents written in different languages other than Spanish (Spain).

In the event these legal documents are written in different languages other than Spanish (Spain), they shall be referred to as versions (not originals) of the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions. They shall be translated versions from Spanish, which shall be a faithful and accurate translation of the original document written in Spanish (Spain).

Users expressly undertake to know, understand and accept that in the event of contradiction between the original version in Spanish (Spain) of the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions and the version in other languages, the Spanish (Spain) version shall always prevail.

12.- User queries, comments, suggestions or complaints

For any queries, comments, suggestions or complaints that may raise from the content of the present Terms and Conditions or the content of any clause or the access to the Voices of Leaders websites, users may contact the leaders of Voices of Leaders, whose identification and contact information is provided at the Legal Notice available for users, at the following email address: privacy@voicesofleaders.com or at the address or telephone number indicated at the Legal Notice available on the Voices of Leaders website.

13.- Modification of Terms and Conditions or any legal document made available by Voices of Leaders.

The leaders of Voices of Leaders reserve the right to totally or partially modify the present Terms and Conditions, as well as the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions made available by Voices of Leaders by including, modifying or eliminating the clauses they may deem necessary without prior notice and at any time.

Depending on the case, such modifications shall substitute, complete and/or modify the present Terms and Conditions and the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions.

The modifications of the Terms and Conditions, as well as of any of the legal texts made available by Voices of Leaders may be due to technical changes in the service, regulation changes, or changes in the functionalities of Voices of Leaders, among others.

Users expressly undertake to know, understand and accept the possibility that the leaders of Voices of Leaders modify the Terms and Conditions as well as the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions. If a user continues to use the service rendered by Voices of Leaders after applying such modifications, it shall be understood the user accepts the modifications introduced.

14.- Law and jurisdiction

The present Terms and Conditions as well as the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions have been drafted according to the rules and laws governing in Spain.

The parties agree that the present Terms and Conditions and the Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy and Contracting Terms and Conditions made available by Voices of Leaders shall be governed by Spanish law.

In case the existing legislation does not establish the obligation to submit to a different jurisdiction, Voices of Leaders and its users hereby waive their own jurisdiction and any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them by law, and agree to subject themselves to the jurisdiction and competence of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid (Spain).

In case of legal obligation to submit to a specific jurisdiction imposed by any Law or rule, Voices of Leaders and its users shall submit to such jurisdiction.